This is such a delightful film! Suzanne Parrett, as the young Eileen Joyce, is enchanting. This is a finely crafted film; the images, vernacular and social settings are iconic of Australia at that time, the middle 1920s. Each scene is beautifully composed and captures the landscape and characters perfectly. It is guaranteed to pull at your heartstrings as Eileen navigates through the minefield of adult skepticism in a tough economic environment. Hope is maintained by her meetings with a sympathetic swagman, an inspiring pianist in a piano shop and the rough but appreciative miners in Boulder. This wonderful film stands up there with A Bush Christmas, The Overlanders and Smiley as an Aussie classic.
Wherever She Goes
Wherever She Goes
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Wherever She Goes An Australian feature film that tells the early life of pianist Eileen Joyce.
A true biographical story, but mainly concentrates on the early life of Eileen Joyce, a famous pianist.
Wherever She Goes This film certainly has rough edges, but this suits the depiction of the location at the time being portrayed. Most of the film was centred on the childhood of pianist Eileen Joyce. She lived in Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia, and at the time (some would say still) it was an isolated and rough mining area. Eileen’s father was there to try to find a fortune in gold, but was actually very poor. The story is really about the struggles that the family and Eileen went through to develop Eileen’s piano playing skills. The acting is adequate, without being exceptional, but this is not as important as the story, which is well presented. Some of the scenes of Eileen as a young girl actually ‘playing’ the harmonica and piano are very unconvincing. This can be forgiven as the audience is primarily there to be informed, rather than be entertained in the conventional filmic sense. The only real criticism I have is that the film ends too soon. I learned that Eileen Joyce went through a lot to actually become famous, but I learned nothing about what she did to become as famous as she did. The viewer gets the feeling that the production company ran out of money, so the bulk of Eileen Joyce’s life was dealt with in about a minute of celluloid – lots of the old newspaper headlines ploy! Overall, this is a good film, and well worth watching.
A finely crafted Aussie classic