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The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas on DVD, Musical, Burt Reynolds, Dolly Parton

The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas on DVD, Musical, Burt Reynolds, Dolly Parton

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Founded in 1910 just outside of the city limits of Gilbert located in Lanville County, Texas, the Chicken Ranch has for generations been known as the best little whorehouse in Texas for its wholesome fun, strict moral code, and cleanliness, all perpetuated by its original owner, Miss Wulla Jean. Seven years ago, Miss Wulla Jean died, leaving the Chicken Ranch to her favorite working girl, Miss Mona Stangley, who wants to keep the same traditions of Miss Wulla Jean. The Chicken Ranch has always had the unofficial blessing of the local authorities, who see the ranch providing an important community service, one which most in local authority have used at one time or another in their lives. In fact, Miss Mona and Lanville County Sheriff Ed Earl Dodd have been in a relationship for years, Ed Earl, who is Miss Mona’s protector, albeit one with a hot temper and good ol’ boy attitude that doesn’t exactly match the needs of his law upholding position.

STARS: Burt Reynolds, Dolly Parton, Dom DeLuise

114 min | Comedy, Musical | 1982 | Color

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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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One of the most fun and upbeat musicals ever made.

The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas, How could anyone not love this movie? Being a big fan of musicals myself, I love this movie for the fun, campy performances, larger then life, sassy, characters,smalltown southern charm, the surprisingly sweet romance between Reynolds and Parton(I’m a big fan of both) and the homage to the south in general-YEEHAW!!! This is a perfect movie to watch directly after you’ve watched a heavy movie and want to “come down”. It’s bright, fun and filled with wicked gaiety. Anyone who’s a fan of musicals should see this, I’ve seen many a stage show as well, my one big regret is I never saw the play version of this. I don’t see how anyone could fault Burt Reynolds performance in this, in my opinion the casting choices-all of them-were as close to perfect as there is. Although I do not live in Texas, I have visited and hold a deep admiration for Texas and all it has to offer. I love movies about one of my favorite states in the country, as well as musicals, so this was a double plus. And everyone played their roles with such charm, Dolly was so lovable, Reynolds, the tough sheriff yet so decent at heart and Charles Durning as mentioned by nearly EVERYBODY was amazing. This ranks up there as one of my all time top musicals, it’s got so much gaiety and is so infectiously warm, inviting and a celebration of fun!

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