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Morgan The Pirate

Morgan The Pirate

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Purchased as a slave in the Panama market by the Dona Inez, daughter of the Spanish Governor, Welshman Sir Henry Morgan soon finds himself in love with the young woman. Soon after however he commandeers the ship transporting him and other slaves and soon they are the scourge of Caribbean looting and attacking the mighty Spanish Empire. The pirates soon find themselves acting under the authority of the English and Morgan has only one goal: to attack and take control of Panama.

STARS: Steve Reeves, Valérie Lagrange, Ivo Garrani

93 min | Adventure, Swashbuckler | 1960 | Color


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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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Great Movie

Morgan The Pirate  long with “The Thief of Bagdad, one of Reeves’ best flicks. It has a great story, perfect casting, authentic locations, rousing action and pretty music score. Reeves’ presence and the strong romantic theme add quite a bit of appeal to the genre. Check out the sword fight on Tortuga Island, a classic. The whole family will love this.

Having seen this flick at the Saturday matinée when I was an impressionable young lad, it’s hard to imagine anyone duplicating this role in a more convincing way than Reeves, but someday perhaps Hollywood will revisit the story of Morgan the Pirate, it’s certainly worthy of a remake, if they could find someone with half the presence of Reeves to play the role.

my #1 pirate movie

During my school years this was the movie I viewed more times(4 1/2) at the theaters than any other.Although a steve reeves fan I was all set to make fun of this movie with my brother before viewing it,maybe I was too use to seeing him run around in sandals(Steve Reeves not my brother)and thought his playing the part of a pirate was kind of hokey.Fifteen minutes into the movie I accepted his playing a mortal and really started to enjoy this movie,actually the movie got real interesting earlier than that with the first appearance of Valerie Lagrange.Wow!The rest could have the blondes, this dark haired beauty was my type.First there was Annette,Gina ,Sophia and now Valerie,finally there would be Lucianna(that’s my wife and leading lady).The romantic pairing of Reeves and Lagrange is fairytale like and probably had much to do with my repeat viewings that were an escape from the blah events of reality.Still though this is top adventure/action entertainment with a nice musical score.Like many Italian movies a few laughs are mixed in with all the action.The biggest one probably being when one pirate changes his mind about baring from the waist up before dueling reeves,seem as though his built wouldn’t compare well with the champion body builder.There are nice scenes of impressive ships at sea to go along with the battles,pillaging and plundering.An epic without the long duration that causes squirming in the seats.In this film is also another big star of european adventure films-Chelo Alonso,she no doubt is appealing to many of the viewers also.The way I see it,if a person doesn’t like this movie it’s because they don’t like pirate movies period.

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