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Light Of Day

Light Of Day

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Light Of Day  The siblings Patti and Joe Rasnick live in an industrial suburb in Cleveland, Ohio, and play in a local rock band, The Barbusters. While Patti is focused on their rock band, Joe is also devoted to the family and the upbringing of Patti’s young son, Benji. Their pious mother reproaches them for their way of life, especially when they quit their jobs and go on tour, taking Benji with them. In the steamy, smoke-filled clubs in and around Cleveland, they find their happiness living the dream with The Barbusters. Patti and Joe live their lives for one hour in the spotlight on stage, and when the lights go down, their world lights up. With hard times in the family and hard knocks on the job, it’s hard rock music at night that keeps them alive.

Slow Down to appreciate the Light of Day

Light Of Day  This movie is not a “rock” movie. It is a “people” movie. The performances turned in by the cast were complete, realistic and believable. I say this from the standpoint of someone (a female) who hammered it out in a working rock band for 20 years… The characters had unfortunate crappy jobs, they DID have problems with their parents and each other, as life on the road is HARD. In fact, out of all the “rock-n-roll” movies I have ever seen, this played out to touch home better than anything else. The person who wrote the scathing review ~ I’d bet my Gibson he was never in a bar band, scraping dimes together, stealing food. And I’d bet my SM57 that he never had to play the cheesy Holiday Inn Lounge. Anyone who thinks being in a working band is fun, easy, nothing but a good time, check out Light Of Day. It will open your eyes. The side-plot of an illness that strikes the family is more than touching and also true to life, as I had the same thing happened to me. The dialogue in the movie is so realistic that I can’t watch it without cringing. This movie is the real deal, not some drummed up rock-n-roll fantasy compiled for “wanna be’s” or wishful thinkers.

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