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Let's Dance

Let's Dance

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Let’s Dance  Donald Elwood meets after the war his former USO partner, Kitty McNeil, who is now a rich widow with a little child. She tries to evade her paternal grandmother, who wants her to live in a way according to the customs of her dead husband’s class.

Betty Hutton at her sparkling best

Let’s Dance  Maybe this film was never going to pick up an Oscar, but for plain entertainment value it’s pretty hard to beat. You’ve got to remember that this film is over fifty years old and, although the quality of the video is very good, they did things a little differently back then. What was funny or topical at that time might well go over our heads today. The plot isn’t gripping, but it will keep you amused, and the film really buzzes in places. Astaire dances to his usual excellent standard, with some unusual and snappy routines, but for the first time, he really has to compete for the stage with his partner. Miss Hutton not only keeps up with Astaire, she actually manages to upstage the ‘Master’ in the dance routines. You’ll have to watch the film four or five times before you start to look at Astaire when they dance together. Betty Hutton is totally magnetic; you can’t stop watching her for a moment. Although she may not have quite the technical abilities of some of Astaire’s previous partners, she more than makes up for that with her enthusiasm and dynamic personality. It’s like tossing a grenade into a vat of champagne – an explosion of sparkle and fizz. And make no mistake about it…That gal can dance! Well worth seeing.


The Great Betty Shines Again!

 Let’s Dance  This is another example of how entertaining movies could be! I loved seeing Betty with Fred, and it sure made me realize that Astaire was much more than a dancer. The affection between the two stars is apparent at every turn and you could actually imagine that they could have been a couple in real life. I loved the fact that this time Betty is a ‘Mom’ and the child who plays her son is a delight. The story line is nothing new, but the songs and the dancing is fantastic. As with movies from this era, the supporting cast is just wonderful and I loved seeing Ruth Warwick, what a beauty! She was another underrated actress of the time. The clothes are beautiful and best of all the whole family can sit and watch! If you enjoy the musical comedies of the golden age of Hollywood, than don’t pass this one by-

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