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The Substitute Wife

The Substitute Wife

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The Substitute Wife  In Nebraska, in pioneer days, a woman who knows she is going to die asks a prostitute to replace her with her husband and four children in order to make it possible for them to keep their family farm.

A refreshing western with a difference….there’s not a gun in sight

The Substitute Wife  Why this movie isn’t screened more often I can’t understand. It was delicately and sensitively played by all the actors, and incorporated a gamut of emotions from comedy to pathos, but never becoming over-sentimental, gushy, or stodgy.

The problems of males “getting spliced” on the Prairies in the mid 19th century, must have been difficult to solve at any time considering there were about ten men to one woman. For a widower with a bunch of kids in tow it would have been virtually impossible, particularly if he was a sod-buster…the lowest of the low in farming circles.

This was beautifully and amusingly solved by the dying wife, by arranging impending nuptials between her soon to be bereaved husband and a whore looking for a way out of her present predicament.

The film is strikingly, if not lavishly photographed, has an intelligent well crafted script, which makes all the points it can out of a rather thin plot, and some lovely accompanying music to boot.

It may not appeal to others as much as it did to me, but it’s well worth a watch, and I also think worthy of a place in anyone’s library.

A beautiful depicted film, dealing sensitively with the given predicament!

I had watched this film when it first came out and was left emotionally moved by it, so much so that when the opportunity arose to view it again came up i thought, yes why not! Lea Thompson played the wife who was dying. Loved and determination drove her to find someone to love and care for her husband and children when she was gone. Having loved someone deeply but being unable to be with them, yet being glad that someone else could be, I could relate how she would be driven by pure motives. The subject matter was dealt with in a realistic way and the acting was natural and drew me into the situation as an onlooker, being able to view the situation from each of the characters position. An excellent film, well worth the time taken to watch it!

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