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The Sea Shall Not Have Them

The Sea Shall Not Have Them

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The Sea Shall Not Have Them During autumn 1944, a Royal Air Force Hudson carrying a very important passenger in possession of highly secret information is shot down and ditches in the North Sea. Fighting the elements and trying to keep up morale, the occupants of the aircraft’s dinghy talk about their lives awaiting the rescue they hope will come. This movie’s title reflects the motto of the R.A.F.’s Air Sea Rescue Service, one of whose high speed launches battles against its own mechanical problems, enemy action, time, and the weather to locate and rescue the downed crew and the vital secret papers they carry.

It is good to see a film made about a forgotten branch of the services.

The Sea Shall Not Have Them  When much was made of the R.A.F.Squadrons flying countless missions against the enemy, and rightly so, it is refreshing that `The Sea Shall Not Have Them’ shows the work done by the R.A.F. Air Sea Rescue crews. Anthony Steel plays the skipper of 2561, a M.T.B. assigned to locate and rescue a Hudson bomber that has crash landed in the north sea. On board the plane along with the rest of the crew, is a V.I.P. with vital German rocket secrets. The film then follows two strands, one showing the air crew ( including a young Dirk Bogarde) slowly freezing on the escape dingy, and the M.T.B. crew fighting bad weather, engine failure, and in one incredible scene, a new crew member sets fire to the galley. The ending although predictable ,is nevertheless gripping, and the film will rank along ,with the best of the war movies made in the 50’s.

Plucked From The Briny Deep


The Sea Shall Not Have Them is a gritty realistic war film from the United Kingdom about the men who serve on air sea rescue duty. No glamor here, just professional men doing a job, rescuing air crews down in the North Sea and English Channel. Good location photography on an old Royal Air Force rescue station give a ring of authenticity.

Four men are on a rubber dinghy in the North Sea after being shot down by a German fighter. Two of those men are Michael Redgrave and Dirk Bogarde. Redgrave is in fact got a briefcase with him containing plans for the V-2 rockets with which the British public shortly became acquainted with.

Enola Gay

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