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The Giant Claw

The Giant Claw

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The Giant Claw When electronics engineer Mitch MacAfee spots a UFO as “big as a battleship,” from his plane, the Air Force scrambles planes to investigate. However, nothing shows up on radar, and one of the jets is lost during the action. MacAfee is regarded as a dangerous crackpot until other incidents and disappearances convince the authorities that the threat is real. Some believe it is a French-Canadian folk legend come to life, but it turns out to be an extraterrestrial giant bird composed of anti-matter whose disregard for human life and architecture threatens the world.

I haven’t thought of this movie in years


I saw “The Giant Claw” several times on the Saturday afternoon creature feature in the late 60s and 70s. I LOVED IT!

This was before I started actually reading science fiction, and my friends and me really liked the science fiction movies that were being shown on the TV when you had about five channels. This movie ranks up there with “The Deadly Mantis” (giant praying mantis), “Them” (the giant ants), and “Tarantula” (the giant tarantula, of course). Being a kid growing up during the height of the space race, science fiction was always an “almost anything goes” genre to occupy a lazy afternoon. This movie is easily competitive with the Japanese monster movies, and I think that the creation of movies like this peaked out at “The Green Slime” (1968).

All you have to do is turn off your brain and throw out your “willing suspension of disbelief.” It’s just a plain old fun movie, good for everyone to watch on a rainy day. And if it would ever be shown again, I can watch it with popcorn AND a beer.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Puppet!

The Giant Claw What a hoot!!!! This film tops them all……and the 50’s had some real “winners” in the genre. And like all that went before and after, this will win your heart. Knowing that computer generated effects and advanced use of the blue screen were things yet to come, we usually have to bite the bullet and figure they did the best they could with what they had. BUT, in this case, they really hit bottom with the monster bird. It has to be the worst of all…’s a damn wooden puppet on strings that bobs around like Big Bird on a binge……pretty pitiful. Jeff Morrow probably wanted to commit suicide or die of terminal embarrasment after seeing this film in its finished state. And the lovely Mara Corday, who was always stuck in the lower echelon of film making, had to count this as a low point in her career. She deserved better. And of course Morris Ankrum never learned….he just kept plugging away in “B” films and became on of the most famous faces seen in supporting roles. Now, after saying all those negative things, I can honestly say that I love this movie….it is so outrageous that you are just sucked in, forever becoming a fanatic of low budget, 50’s horror/science fiction films. Yes, it is really bad, really bad…..but somehow you can’t quit watching. Have fun with it!!!!!

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