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Scarlett, Atlanta, 1873. It’s another day (Melanie’s funeral, in fact), and Scarlett is determined to win back Rhett (who’s spending a lot of time with Belle Watling). First, she goes to Tara and spats with Sue Ellen over Tara. Then she goes to Charleston, presenting herself to Rhett’s mother and friends, to Rhett’s dismay. But when she’s caught in a compromising position with Ashely, she retires to her mother’s people in Savannah, and her overbearing grandfather Robelard, while Rhett courts a new bride. Scarlett also seeks out her O’Hara relatives and meets her cousin Colum, a priest (and gunrunner). And knowing them, she goes to Ireland. There she meets the handsome Earl of Fenton, who owns Ballyhara, the ancestral home of the O’Haras. And when Scarlett buys it from him, she becomes the financial and spiritual head of the family. But her newfound happiness is short-lived as disasters strike, and she must rely on Rhett’s love for her to save her from the gallows.

Scarlett was very well done for a sequel.

Scarlett, I often see movies without reading the book and never judge a movie by the book. Maybe it deviated from the book but look how many movies they make each year that deviate from the books they are based on. That’s HOLLYWOOD for you. I think the movie was very well done and followed the story faithfully from the end of the first movie (Gone With The Wind). I really loved the lavish costumes and brilliant scenery. You have to write a lot of story for an 8 hour mini-series and there were lots of writers with a lot of imagination. Bravo to the writers for such a good movie!

Timothy Dalton as Rhett & Joanne Walley-Kilmer as Scarlett far exceeded my expectations.

Having grown up with GWTW, I shunned both the “Scarlett” sequel book and the mini-series until now. When I recently viewed the video for the first time, I was amazed how much I enjoyed watching Timothy Dalton’s depiction of Rhett Butler and Joanne Walley-Kilmer’s as Scarlet. I feel “Scarlet” should be judged on its own merits rather than attempting any comparison with the venerable Selznick masterpiece GWTW. While the “Scarlet” story line and some of the dialogue suffered from lack of inspired writing, overall I thought this was a worthwhile dramatization of what might have been between Scarlett and Rhett.

Gone With The Wind

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