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Howard the Duck

Howard the Duck

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Howard the Duck, A scientific experiment unknowingly brings extraterrestrial life forms to the Earth through a laser beam. First is the cigar smoking drake Howard from the duck’s planet. A few kids try to keep him from the greedy scientists and help him back to his planet. But then a much less friendly being arrives through the beam…

Cult Silliness

Howard the Duck, While watching TV, the humanoid duck Howard (Ed Gale) is dragged from his planet to an alley in Cleveland through a mysterious force. He befriends the rock-‘n-roll singer Beverly Switzler (Lea Thompson), who introduces him to the clumsy scientist assistant Phil Blumburtt (Tim Robbins). Howard gets in many troubles until Phil brings his colleague Dr. Walter Jenning (Jeffrey Jones) that explains him that he was accidentally pushed through a laser beam of his experiment in Alpha-Centauri, and he proposes to revert the beam to return Howard to his planet. However, Dr. Jenning is possessed by the demon Dark Overlords that has also come from the outer space. When Beverly is kidnapped by the Dark Overlords that needs energy to bring other demons to Earth, Howard and Phil join forces to rescue Beverly and save our planet.

The underrated “Howard the Duck” is a cult silliness from the 80’s. The anti-hero Howard is cool and it is funny to see Tim Robbins in the beginning of his career performing a clumsy scientist and Lea Thompson in a sweet role singing many songs in her early career.

In the beginning there was Howard The Duck!!!

I was just crazy about this movie when it first came out.Seeing the Dark Overlord was really scary.The special effects in Howard The Duck are great.Its really amazing to see how Lea Thompson,Jeffrey Jones,and Tim Robbins are so young in this and that this is part of a Lucas film.Jones` voice is really spooky when he becomes poesed by the Dark Overlord.HTD also has a great score by John Barry.Any Lucas,sc-fi,action,monster movie fan should liked Howard the Duck.I think its a classic!

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