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Young Einstein on DVD, Comedy, Yahoo Serious, Odile Le Clezio

Young Einstein on DVD, Comedy, Yahoo Serious, Odile Le Clezio

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Young Einstein  Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When Albert travels to Sydney to patent his invention he meets beautiful French scientist Marie Curie, as well as several unscrupulous types who try to take advantage of the naive genius and his invention. One Seriously Funny Movie

STARS: Yahoo Serious, Odile Le Clezio, John Howard

91 min | Comedy | 1988 | Color

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All DVDs are Region 0 and are guaranteed to play on any DVD player in any country in the world

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Postage: Free In Australia.

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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

All DVDs are available as an MPEG4 file sent to you via an email link. Save on postage and waiting time. Transfer can take up to 12 hours depending on the time zone you are in.


One of the most underrated films in this database

‘Young Einstein’, as well as ‘Reckless Kelly’ certainly don’t belong on any ‘worst films’ list. These movies are better, by any artistic criteria, than half of the films on the IMDB ‘best 250’ list. Yahoo Serious is a refreshingly original and creative artist with a highly developed sense of political and social consciousness. Enjoy his work with both eyes and mind wide open.

Some creative genius here

 Hats off to Yahoo Serious and his gang. This zany movie is well scripted and well acted. Scenery and costumes and special effects also done to a very high standard.

The humour seems to emanate naturally, and it has its own originality and spontaneity. Science history clashing with Australian heritage is preposterous but this adds to the excitement and energy oozing from the movie.

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