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Way Way Out on DVD, Sci-Fi, Jerry Lewis, Connie Stevens

Way Way Out on DVD, Sci-Fi, Jerry Lewis, Connie Stevens

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Way Way Out  In 1989, the Americans and the Russians each have a two-person base on the moon. The Americans have had to keep replacing their astronaut teams because they quickly go crazy; they have been using only male astronauts on the unspoken assumption that this would avoid any possibility of impropriety. The Russians, as godless Communists, are under no such constraints, and their male-female team has remained well-adjusted. At the start of the film, a male and female American astronaut team is sent up to replace the sex-starved all-male team. The government insists on them being married first to preserve morality. Most of the story revolves around the eventual consummation of this marriage of convenience, and around their relationship with their Russian neighbors, who keep casually dropping by.

STARS: Jerry Lewis, Connie Stevens, Robert Morley

101 min | Space Sci-Fi, Comedy, Sci-Fi | 1966 | Color

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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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This is a fun movie!

Way Way Out I love crazy sixties films and this is one of them. I’m not a Jerry Lewis fan but I thought he was funny, not over the top or exaggerating. Connie Stevens is very cute in the American girl next door kind of way.

Anita Ekberg surprised me. It was so bizarre that this La Dolce Vita star would team up with Jerry Lewis but she did, and it proves she was a good comedienne too. In this film she’s a brunette (awful hairdo, tho) and looks not a little like Garbo! The poor thing has to wear bathing suits the entire film.

Robert Morley is in it too and is as lovable British as ever. He could make any part he played lively and fun. James Brolin and Linda Harrison (Planet of the Apes) are in it too, as is Dennis Weaver.

The special effects are quite good for 1966 and quite camp for today. The title tune by Lalo Schifrin is catchy. I saw this on a German DVD in English with the soundtrack at times changing to German at times. Really bizarre to see Jerry Lewis in space in Germa.

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