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This Island Earth on DVD, Horror, Jeff Morrow, Faith Domergue

This Island Earth on DVD, Horror, Jeff Morrow, Faith Domergue

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This Island Earth The electronic engineer Dr. Cal Meacham is a prominent scientist that is studying industrial application of nuclear energy and also a great pilot. One day, he receives a different condenser and soon his assistant Joe Wilson receives a manual instruction and several components of a sophisticated machine. Carl and Joe build a communication apparatus and a man called Exeter contacts Carl. He tells that Carl has passed the test assembling the Interocitor and invites him to join his research. The intrigued Carl decides to travel to meet Exeter that sends an unmanned airplane to bring him to an isolated facility in Georgia. He is welcomed by Dr. Ruth Adams but she mysteriously does not recall their love affair in the past. They team-up with Dr. Steve Carlson and they note that the other scientists in the facility have been transformed, having a weird behavior. They decide to flee in a car, but they are attacked by rays and Steve dies. Carl and Ruth also witness the facility blowing-up and …

STARS: Jeff Morrow, Faith Domergue, Rex Reason

86 min | Alien Invasion, Space Sci-Fi, Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi | 1955 | Color

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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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Loved it at age 11; still find it great at 56.

This Island Earth When it came out, I thought this was the most fantastic movie I’d ever seen. It was easy to identify with the lead character and to share his fascination with the technology that the aliens used to capture his attention and recruit his talents. I particularly remember being entranced by the special effects; the use of vivid color was outstanding among sci-fi offerings of the time. 45 years later, it’s still my favorite of the era. I enjoy watching the movie on video and recalling the thrill of seeing it on the big screen for the first time.

This is a great treat from a wonderful era of Sci-Fi.

This is a great treat from a wonderful era of Sci-Fi. Those who complain of the hardware aspects have no romance – an Earth scientist receives an unsolicited manual and roomful of parts to build a futuristic two-way TV, but the parts are a marvel and the pages of the manual aren’t paper, but some manner of flexible metal. After constructing the “Interociter”, our hero receives a broadcast from Exeter, a fellow scientist with a suspiciously prominent forehead, inviting him to join his research team of the world’s greatest experts in their fields. What follows is a comic book come-to-life, and in vivid, 3-part Technicolor! This film is beautiful to look at, and apparently many of today’s best Sci-Fi filmmakers did. Rex Reason is fine as our hero, Jeff Morrow is one of the most memorable aliens of the era, and Faith Domergue is a fine actress and is mysteriously one of the most unsung beauties ever. And as to the hardware, the special effects, etc – there is actually nothing to complain about at all…the spaceship, the planet Metaluna, aliens, etc, are not merely passable for the 50’s, they are compelling by today’s standards. If you have just a bit of imagination, this is one of the best Sci-Fi classics of it’s time, and still makes many contemporary efforts pale in comparison.
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