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The Black Stallion on DVD, Family, Kelly Reno, Mickey Rooney

The Black Stallion on DVD, Family, Kelly Reno, Mickey Rooney

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While traveling with his father, young Alec becomes fascinated by a mysterious Arabian stallion who is brought on board and stabled in the ship he is sailing on. When it tragically sinks both he and the horse survive only to be stranded on a desert island. He befriends it, so when finally rescued, both return to his home where they soon meet Henry Dailey, a once-successful trainer. Together they begin training the stallion to race against the fastest horses in the world.

STARS: Kelly Reno, Mickey Rooney, Teri Garr

118 min | Adventure, Family, Sport, Animal Adventure | 1979 | Color

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Wish There Was A Better Transfer Of This Nice Film

Not only is this a nice story, but it's beautifully photographed. That's why I was so disappointed with the DVD. The picture wasn't sharp, and even had an orange tint to it. I wound up trading it for something else. Perhaps if a better DVD transfer comes along, I'll re- purchase this.
I love horse racing and a good adventure story, so this appeals to me since it offers both. The climactic race at the end is not very credible, but overall it's a fine film and certainly safe viewing fare for the whole family.
It was good to see Mickey Rooney again. Kelly Reno, who played the kid, was fine, too - no young Mickey Rooney in his heyday, but still passable as an actor and likable. Teri Garr and Hoyt Axton had small roles as Reno's parents.

A masterpiece

It is hard for many people to accept that a little family film about a boy's relationship to a horse could be one of the greatest films ever made. But you must remember that not so long after The Black Stallion was released another film was made that was about a boy's relationship with a creature from another planet. That film is widely considered a masterpiece and its director has gone to become the most successful director in film history. I think it is worth noting that both films were written by the same person. Melissa Mathison, who wrote both E.T. and The Black Stallion, has penned two great films about a boys love friendship with a non human creature. And after several viewings of both I'm beginning to think that Stallion may be the better of the two. I doubt that I have ever seen a more atmospheric and emotional movie that holds up so well after repeat viewings. And I must say the sparse dialog is probably my favorite thing about it. Little is said but much is felt and isn't the feeling what is most important? This film has a beautiful look to it, which may have something to do with the director, Carol Ballard's, experience as a cinematographer. The wonderful images and rich detail draw you into the film and say more than words ever could. Great performances by everyone in the cast also boost this movie to the next level. Is The Black Stallion better than E.T.? I cannot say but it certainly feels that way. If you want to see a movie that is pure feeling than you should see this one.

Beautiful, please see it for yourself...

First, please don't base your opinion on the last critic's remarks. You must see this movie and judge for yourself. I have been in love with this movie since I was 7 years old (1979) and I just watched it again for the first time in many years. I STILL love it!
It is one of my top ten movies of all time (Lawrence of Arabia being #1).
There isn't any bad acting. In fact, I think that Kelly Reno did a fine job as Alec...clever, introspective, and curious. Hoy Axton did a great job as his father, as well. Maybe I just connect with them because I had a similar relationship with my dad.
I challenge you to watch this film without nit-picking it to death, especially if you have an artistic soul. I thought it was lovingly directed with a lot of original camera shots (for 1979) and perfectly composed/matched music. Do you know there is an incredible length of time during this film where not one word is spoken? Nor, is it needed. Indeed, words would be sacrilege to the simple beauty of the growing friendship between boy and horse.
It's an exciting, heartwarming, beautiful, and moving tale...I can't wait to show it to my future children so I can share the magic.
*PS - make sure you turn up the bass in the beginning so you can hear the ship's heart - imagine being on that ship and hearing that all the time. It really helps set the tone and brings a conflicting sense of impending doom and comfort.

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