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Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles

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Storyline :

Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, From the opening shot of a Jurassic Park-esque reptilian eye, you know you are in for a wild ride. As Mick “Crocodile” Dundee sits in a canoe sharpening his famous knife, a monstrous croc hides somewhere in the deep. The croc suddenly attacks, tearing Mick’s boat to pieces and leaving him and mate Jacko up a tree. Life for Mick can only get easier, right? When Mick arrives at home, he discovers longtime companion Sue’s newspaper-mogul father has called, and needs her help on an article at the paper’s Los Angeles branch. Mick, who recognizes his importance in the modernizing bush is now no more than as a tourist attraction, agrees to join her, and together Mick, Sue and son Mikey head for Los Angeles. Here the adventure truly begins, as Mick and Jacko brave a cowboy bar where the horsemen are of a different color, and a Hollywood film party where everyone seems interested in Mick’s mate Malcolm “Mal” Gibson’s colorful exploits. Sue’s article soon leads to a sleazy film producer, so Mick gets a job as a monkey wrangler at his studio, where his investigation uncovers some very sketchy goings-on.

Far Better Than Expected


Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles, Mick Dundee (Paul Hogan) travels to the city of smog and stars with his young son (Serge Cockburn) in tow.

No one should have had big expectations for this film, with its 1980s character now in the year 2001, with Paul Hogan noticeably aged and Linda Kozlowski looking like she had a few plastic surgery disasters. And Serge Cockburn is just annoying — everything about this movie would be better if the kid was removed entirely (he really played no important part in the story).

And yet, it is still pretty funny with a not-too-terrible mystery plot. What crime, if any, is being committed? And can Mick get to the bottom of it? These may not be the ruthless drug dealers of part two, but movie producers can be some vicious folks, as well!

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