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All Men Are Liars on DVD, Comedy, Toni Pearen, David Price

All Men Are Liars on DVD, Comedy, Toni Pearen, David Price

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All Men Are Liars Mick’s father, Barry, sells the family piano, causing Mick’s mother, Irene to leave. In order to raise enough money to buy the piano back, Mick dresses in his mother’s clothes and becomes Michelle to join an all-girl band that has come into town for the annual harvest festival. Angela, the leader of the band, starts to question her sexuality when she begins to fall in love with Mick/Michelle.

STARS: Toni Pearen, David Price, John Jarratt

91 min | Comedy | 1995 | Color


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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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Delightful, really enjoyed it.
One of the best Australian comedy films ever. It's not just funny, it appeals to the heart as well;and not in a soppy way. The family setting is great as is the rural North Queensland atmosphere. Starring Toni Pearen ( Funniest Home Videos), David Price (tv stuff) and John Jarratt (Australia, Blue Heelers, Wolf Creek among others) the story has a pace to it that keeps building and changing in unexpected directions. It is a sister piece to that Australian hit Priscilla Queen of the Desert as it also involves a cross-dressing theme in rural Australia, but for my money the plot here is far more interesting and developed. It has the sleeper quality of Crackers and is far more entertaining than a lot of those pretentious Australian movies like Little Fish, Candy and Somersault. Get a look at it!

One of the best films not available on dvd/Blu-ray or streaming services.
Funny movie with many underrated performances. Twelfth Night meets small town Australia. Not your standard formula boy meets girl teen movie. The actors chosen to play the towns folk look like could be actual locals. The actors are not the pretty faces which we see in American teen movies.

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