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Zorba The Greek on DVD, Comedy, Anthony Quinn, Alan Bates

Zorba The Greek on DVD, Comedy, Anthony Quinn, Alan Bates

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An aimless English writer finds he has a small inheritance on a Greek island. His joyless existence is disturbed when he meets Zorba, a middle aged Greek with a real lust for life. As he discovers the earthy pleasures of Greece, the Englishman finds his view on life changing.

STARS: Anthony Quinn, Alan Bates, Irene Papas

142 min | Comedy, Drama | 1964 | Color

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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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A joyous affirmation of life

Zorba The Greek, OK, I admit I’ve seen this movie a dozen times. But it never fails to inspire. Was there ever a man who lived life as fully as Alexis Zorba? Was there ever a character who understood so much about living and dying, women and men? Zorba ripping a piece of lamb from the spit and biting into it with joy and verve, dancing in pain or dancing from joy, expressing his wonderment at the sight of a dolphin, gives this character a special place in movie history.

If the rich storytelling and great Quinn performance were not enough, we get the young Alan Bates in a fine part doing a fine piece of acting, and the extraordinary pair of performances by Lila Kedrova and, especially, Irene Pappas, who need not speak a word to convey an entire menu of emotions.

The final scenes are among the best in movies. The music is among the best. Indeed, the MOVIE is among the best.  A GREAT movie.

A magnificent movie

Anthony Quinn’s performance is phenomenal. In a world filled with ignorance, lack of vision, hate, and the most shameful examples of human depravity, Zorba provides beautifully imperfect goodness. There is no pretense about who Zorba is. Despite his imperfections (and there are so many), he is genuine love, kindness and passion. The scene where Zorba remains by his dying wife’s (Madame Hortense) side is pure and sweet and extremely moving. While the greedy masses, like vultures, swoop in to steal any possible item from this woman’s home, Zorba provides profound comfort, while most others would have reacted differently. I can’t believe it took me 40 years to see this movie. Gracias, Señor Quinn!

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