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Your Cheatin' Heart

Your Cheatin' Heart

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Your Cheatin’ Heart The story of the country and western singer Hank Williams. His Folk Songs Became an American Legend…and so did his whole lusty life!

User Reviews

…this movie shows us the magic of songwriting…

Your Cheatin’ Heart If you are a songwriter or have ever written a song, you must marvel at the work of Hank Williams, and this movie shows us the magic of songwriting. Where do the greatest songs come from? And if we happen to write one, is it our responsibility to let the world hear it?

Unlike so many other movies based on the lives of legendary musicians, this one is fun to watch (and not just listen). George Hamilton is great as Hank Williams, and it’s his performance that saves the biopic from turning to a tiresome melodrama somewhere in the middle. You see, he doesn’t seem to be all that serious even when the script calls him to be, and that my friend, however strange it may seem, is the key to success. So many biopics based on the stories of bitter ex wives and rivals suggest that our favorite artists never had a sense of humor.

All the actors do a good job. Beautiful Susan Oliver plays a credible nag, and although the script doesn’t put the blame on anyone (which is good), the performance allows us to question her motives from the get go.

All the songs heard in this movie are classics. We hear two different versions of I saw the light, and the later one makes otherwise a sad ending the perfect ending.

A very moving story about the late, great Hank Williams

I saw this movie in Scotland around the time of its original release and for the first time in my life, I witnessed a movie audience stand and applaud a film and … there wasn’t a dry eye in the theatre at the ending. A brilliant portrayal of H.W. by George Hamilton I have been trying to buy a copy of this film for years and at last I can see the movie again, 38 years later.

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