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Witches on DVD, Mystery, Anjelica Huston, Mai Zetterling

Witches on DVD, Mystery, Anjelica Huston, Mai Zetterling

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A young boy, recently orphaned, is taken to England by his grandmother. At a hotel in which they are staying, a group of witches have gathered to prepare a plot to rid England of all children. Saving the world from witches is a tall order for a boy they’ve turned into a mouse!

STARS: Anjelica Huston, Mai Zetterling, Jasen Fisher

91 min | Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery, Dark Fantasy | 1990 | Color

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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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Unjustly forgotten fantasy

Witches  Very strange fantasy in which a young boy Luke (Jasen Fisher) and his friend Bruno (Charles Potter) get in trouble with some witches (led by Anjelicia Huston). Luke’s Norwegian aunt (Mai Zetterling), a former witch, helps him battle the others.

When this came out in 1990 critics loved it, but audiences stayed away. Real witches attacked the film because it portrayed witches as evil, ugly and wanting to kill all children. They overreacted–it’s just a FANTASY, not reality. Also it was way too strong (and strange) to attract a family audience…too scary for kids and adults assumed it was a kids movie. But it is a good fantasy for high schoolers and adults. Nicholas Roegs’ direction is off-putting (he directs it like it’s high art), but the special effects are truly incredible (especially the mice) and there are wonderful performances by Zetterling and Huston (going WAY over the top in her acting). It’s a very strange movie–definitely a one of a kind. It’s worth a look.

I’ve always thought this was a great movie

I‘ve always thought this was a great movie since i was little, it was one of those movies that you’d go over to see at your grandma’s on Halloween, just scary enough for a kid, where the’d be afraid, but not usually enough to give nightmares(although i can remember having a few from this- those with very small children be warned!) i felt that the tales that the grandmother spins are the tantalizing part of the movie, with them being treated as a joke in the beginning, but then going on to, not only back them up, but to show that they actually happened. i feel that this was a very well put together movie, and Anjelica Huston as the grand high witch gives the movie a special flavor, like she was meant to play the role. If i talk much more i’ll end up giving the thing away, so i’ll leave you with this- it’s a wonderful movie for kids, and, for hose adults who haven’t seen it, when watching, keep in mind that this is a children’s movie:) enjoy!!

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