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Walk On The Wild Side on DVD, Drama, Laurence Harvey, Capucine

Walk On The Wild Side on DVD, Drama, Laurence Harvey, Capucine

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At the Doll House, a 1930s New Orleans bordello, Hallie is the main attraction both for clients and for Jo, the madam. Her comfortable if tedious life is disrupted by the arrival in town of Dove Linkhorn, her true love of three years before, who is now searching for her. When Linkhorn learns the truth of her profession he triggers a chain of events involving a number of people, including the young Kitty with whom he traveled from Texas, who is now the Doll House newest recruit

STARS: Laurence Harvey, Capucine, Jane Fonda

114 min | Drama, Romance | 1962 | Color

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I haven't seen this movie in 40 years. Being 8 years old the first time I watched this curious flick I did not know the meaning of camp. Watching this movie last night I realized this is classic camp. Stanwyck plays what is considered to be the first out lesbian in a major film and Fonda (never more beautiful) plays an underage bad girl headed for the "doll house." This was Fonda's second movie and she was actually 25. Most reviews mention her overacting. I thought she actually gave the movie energy. Capucine underacts as much as Fonda overacts and she is quite boring and wooden. The best one could say about her performance is she has great cheekbones. Anne Baxter (in a part that should have been played by Rita Moreno) isn't as bad as other reviewers have stated, although her wig is a little distracting. Laurence Harvey has a lot of sex appeal and presence while doing very little. Look also for Joanna Moore(Tatum's mom) as one of the "dolls". The French Quater sets are right out of Streetcar. As a matter of fact, the whole movie plays like Tennesee Williams. I believe the song was nominated for an Oscar, rightfully so, since the score was beautiful. Hollywood should do a remake. Maybe Fonda in the Stanwyck role?

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