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Them! on DVD, Horror, James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn

Them! on DVD, Horror, James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn

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In the New Mexico desert, Police Sgt. Ben Peterson and his partner find a child wandering in the desert and soon they discover that giant ants are attacking the locals. FBI agent Robert Graham teams up with Ben and with the support of Dr. Harold Medford and his daughter Dr. Patricia 'Pat' Medford, they destroy the colony of ants in the middle of the desert. Dr. Harold Medford explains that the atomic testing in 1945 developed the dangerous mutant ants. But they also discover that two queen ants have flown away to Los Angeles and they are starting a huge colony in the underground flood control tunnels of that city. When a mother reports that her two children are missing, the team begin searching for them. Will they arrive in time to save the children and destroy the colony?

STARS: James Whitmore, Edmund Gwenn, Joan Weldon

94 min | Kaiju, Monster Horror, Horror, Sci-Fi | 1954 | Color

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One of my all time favorite movies.

I was about 6 years old when i first saw this movie in 1962 or 63. My neighbor, Bill, and my brother watched it with me. I lived in Montrose MI at the time and when it was over my mother told us to go out and play. We resisted her and almost got in trouble for arguing but hey, how can you send three young boys out to face the world after they just watched how giant ants almost took it over? We were scared to death, and hid behind the trees and bushes just watching for them.

Where have I lived for most part since 1984? Good old Alamogordo NM, home of the giant ants! How destiny does intrude on life. I love the desert and mountains out here (retired from USAF in 1999) and I am very happy to say that there have been no reports of giant ants since I have been here. People always call this the home of Atomic bomb (though they are off by some distance)and I always look them straight in the face and say "What? You mean you never heard of our giant ant problem?"

The Best.

Them! is the best giant bug movie of the 1950's and one of the best, if not the best monster movie of the decade.
The acting is excellent with good performances from James Whitmore (The Relic) and James Arness (The Thing From Another World). The movie includes haunting desert settings and the giant ants look great. The sounds they make makes the movie even more eerie.
This is 50's monster movie action at its very best.

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