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Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here

Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here

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Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here Based on true events, Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here, tells the story of one of the last Western manhunts, in 1909. Willie Boy, a Native American, kills his girlfriend’s father in self defense, and the two go on the run, pursued by a search posse led by Sheriff Christopher Cooper.

This film is overlooked too often

Tell Them Willie Boy Is Here I consider Robert Blake’s performance in this movie to be one of his best, and this comes from someone who has always thought he was a fine actor. Robert Redford, too, shines here as the sheriff, and almost all the supporting cast keeps up with the two male leads.

Blake’s character is a Paiute Indian who is the object of a manhunt which is sensationalized by the press because of its concurrence with a visit by President Taft. The sheriff is pressured into hunting down the Indian and the girl he loves but whose father has forbidden the match.

It’s a good solid early-1900s Western with much better-than-average acting. But it’s not so much an action film as it is a character study — of Blake’s character and, to a lesser degree, Redford’s. It brings to life the racism and exploitation that white Europeans brought with them to America.

R. Blake & R. Redford in Top Form!

This under-rated gem of an anti-Western deserved much better than it got. Abrahom Polonsky’s return to film-making was swept under the carpet, as are so many heartfelt, thoughtful films (even in 1969). Robert Blake, with the exception of In Cold Blood and Electra Glide in Blue was never more determined or intense as Willie. Redford gives a subtle and layered performance. Katharine Ross is gorgeous but doesn’t look like a Native American (her eyes are bluer than Paul Newman’s).

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