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Orca  After witnessing his mate and child’s death from Nolan’s hands, Orca, the killer whale, goes on a rampage in the fishermen’s harbor. Under the villagers’ pressure, Nolan, Rachel and an Indian sail after the great beast, who will bring them on his own turf.After witnessing his mate and child’s death from Nolan’s hands, Orca, the killer whale, goes on a rampage in the fishermen’s harbor.

Adventures and action about a confrontation between a hunter and a giant Orca

Orca   fisherman and expert seaman (Richard Harris who was 46, performed his own stunts) along with his crew (Bo Derek, Peter Hooten, Keenan Wynn) kill with a harpoon a female pregnant Orca and her huge male mate swears revenge . Meanwhile , an Orcas-speciality scientist (Charlotte Rampling) and a native (Will Patton) warn him about the vengeance , but he reluctant listen them . The picture is developed in a Northern , cold shore community where the large Orca attacks on the tiny port (made with some maquettes or scale model) making a real wreak havoc and rampage . Then, the protagonists motived by profits determine to track down and kill it . The crew are forced to fight for their lives in a mortal struggle.

It’s a good movie with a magnificent creation of suspense , terror , emotions , thriller , bone-chilling images and brief gore when the humans are serving for lunch ; besides , some creepy scenes about the abort female whale . The Orca whale was portrayed by an animatronic whale , filmed off the coasts of Malta and Newfoundland, and stock footage taken at Marine World in Redwood City, California . Intelligent writings by Luciano Vincenzone (also producer) and Sergio Donati (Sergio Leone’usual screenwriters) is allegedly based on truth events . The Orca attacks images deliver the tension along with exciting musical score by the great Ennio Morricone who heightens the suspense . Colorful cinematography by Ted Moore with excellent special effects by Alex Weldon . Although it results to be a ¨Jaws¨ exploitation is an agreeable movie with magnificent Richard Harris and Charlotte Ramplingb . The motion picture was well produced in high budget by Dino De Laurentis and finely directed by Michael Anderson . The picture will appeal to Richard Harris fans . Well seeing but during the attacks you will have on the hedge of your seat .

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