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Million Dollar Babies

Million Dollar Babies

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Million Dollar Babies  The true story that shocked 1930’s Canada. When a poor rural Ontario family gives birth to quintuplet, the town doctor doesn’t waste a second and takes over the family. He helps to take care of the babies but soon turns the babies into a freak show. Not before long the government gets involved and the babies are a multi-million dollar industry. But how can the uneducated couple regain their babies and their lives?

Five stars (as in quints) Actually eight…

Million Dollar Babies  We stumbled onto this masterpiece while surfing th T.V. It is a tremendously well done film. I’m surprised that it has not been revived anywhere on television or even in theatres. It dates from 1994,an era before the CBC degenerated into Dragon’s Den and Schitts’ Creek. Why has CBC not revived it? It’s effectively shot on location. There is an awesome parade of vintage cars and trucks. I recognized a lot of the props and gadgets.(The quints were born a month after I was.) Unlike today’s Murdoch Mysteries which has an abysmal, devil-may-care habit of using props, people and even slang from the wrong period, the producers here seem to have everything right, from neckties to stoves. Production values are high and I presume the story hews close to the facts.

Sad Tale of Exploitation

This is a very well done movie about the Canadian quintuples who had their childhoods stolen from them, offered up as a side show attraction to the world. The film does a good job of showing how naive their parents were, and the complex doctor (great job by Bridges) who believes his “protection” of them in the girls’ best interests. Of course, multiple births are practically commonplace these days. This story recreates what it must have been like for a world to experience something that had not happened before.

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