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Hanover Street

Hanover Street

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Hanover Street, During the Second World War, an American Pilot stationed in England meets a young British nurse during an air raid on London. The two instantly fall in love, despite the fact that the young Nurse is already married; a secret she keeps hidden from her American lover. After being shot down behind enemy lines, while being assigned to ferry a British agent into France, the American pilot realizes that his secret agent cargo is in fact his lover’s husband, and that the two must now work together in order to survive.

a war movie, with a love story about two different kinds of men

Hanover Street, While the story is set in the context of world war 2, what it’s really about is the difference between men who are now called ‘alpha’ and ‘beta.’ One is a brash, self-confident, risk-taking narcissist; the other is a high-achieving, highly educated, planner. Women often wish to marry the latter, and make love with the former. Ms. Down faces this issue.

Overall, an excellent discussion, and depiction, of this particular kind of dilemma.

The movie begins in London, with the American pilot (alpha) and the British nurse conning each other, trying to fake each other out for a place on a bus. This game is interrupted by v-2 rocket bombing, and a real, and intense, emotional bonding. Much later, the nurse’s husband (beta) is introduced, and we discover he is a high-ranking official with the British military. The story develops from there, with a somewhat improbable pairing, and a spy mission. It is suspenseful but is really a romantic drama.

What a romantic war movie should be

I don’t understand all of the negative comments about this movie. It’s not like they set out to make another Gone With The Wind, people. I usually hate this kind of movie, but I loved this one! Ford was just beginning to come into his own as an actor, and did a wonderfully believable job. The plot, though a bit predictable, at least went about it in a reasonable way. An entertaining way to spend a couple of hours. I guess I’m just one of those people who doesn’t understand what movie making “art” is all about. I’ve seen a lot of critically acclaimed films that I wouldn’t use to balance a short table leg.

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