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Father Goose

Father Goose

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Father Goose,  During World War II South Sea beachcomber Walter Eckland is persuaded to spy on planes passing over his island. He gets more than he bargained for as schoolteacher Catherine Frenau arrives on the run from the Japanese with her pupils in tow!

Elegant Comedy-Mystery

Father Goose,  This second to last film of Cary Grant was one he spoke highly of in interviews.

It was my decided pleasure to be in attendance at his “A Conversation With Cary Grant” at the Front Row Theater in Cleveland shortly before his death. During this unforgettable evening, Grant fielded questions from an audience of over five hundred for nearly two hours.

Grant seemed to possess a photographic memory, recalling incidents of his life and career down to the smallest detail. “Father Goose” was revealed to be one of his favorite projects.

Looking at the film today, one can see the senior star enjoying his character and well polished script. He was nicely paired with Leslie Caron, and the two struck an engaging chemistry for these capers.

Grant also had the good sense to say farewell to these leading man parts (being aware that he could never become a “character” actor) threw in the towel and moved on to better things, like Fabrege.

We’re left with another delightful Grant performance in an illustrious and remarkably diversified career.

Excellent light comedy for ALL ages

I agree with almost all of the other reviews but add that Trevor Howard is wonderful. He is completely natural and believable to the point that he almost steals the show from Cary Grant; not an easy task! Cary and Leslie Caron make their unlikely match seem quite natural. — And the photography is just gorgeous. This was especially so when I first viewed it on a big screen back when it was released.

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