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A Woman Called Golda on DVD, Biography, Ingrid Bergman, Ned Beatty

A Woman Called Golda on DVD, Biography, Ingrid Bergman, Ned Beatty

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A Woman Called Golda, The story of the Russian-born, Wisconsin-raised woman who rose to become Israel’s prime minister in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

STARS: Ingrid Bergman, Ned Beatty, Franklin Cover

191 min | Biography, Drama, History | 1982 | Color


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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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Brilliantly Told
"A Woman Called Golda" is an excellent film, brilliantly told by her spokeswoman and Golda herself. It is a long film, being a miniseries, but there isn't one boring moment in the whole film. Ingrid Bergman, I so admired, as far as her acting goes, preferred to work on this film even though she was in a great deal of pain from the cancer that was ravaging her body at the time. I believe the film goes into almost every aspect of Golda's life and tells of everything she did to obtain peace for Palestine. She was always there whenever the people needed her even after her retirement - always raring to go, always ready to work to make peace. Ingrid Bergman was supreme in her role as Golda because, I feel, she was Swedish and she was playing the part of a Russian woman - in fact, she even looked exactly like Golda Meir. Excellent film and Ingrid Bergman won an Emmy for her performance posthumously. Hope you take the time to watch this one. A good family film that anyone can learn from.

A Woman called Golda
If ever there was a prime example as to how a woman should conduct herself,in both private and political life;it is Golda.The integrity,selflessness,humanity and dignity is supreme. She was the finest modern example of Rightiousness I have seen in my (almost) 70 years of life.Golda and Miss Bergman herself were dying of cancer as the movie was being made,and I can only imagine the difficulties of the demands of just filming a movie while in "good health" can draw from an actor/actress;what a Woman they both were.Both will always be my "Heros" and the most shining example of what a woman can do to better Life itself for humanity.May G-D Bless both there souls and give them their JUST rewards.


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