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High Sierra

High Sierra

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One of Bogart’s very best

High Sierra, This is the best Bogart gangster film of the 1930s and early 40s. This is saying a lot considering all the excellent films he made. What sets this one apart is that the story has much more depth, as does Bogey’s character. He’s not JUST a gangster but he has fallen in love with a girl who basically uses him. She cannot walk and he mistakes his pity for love. She just likes all the attention he gives her and is more than willing to let Bogart pay for expensive surgery to help her walk again–while showing very little gratitude in the process. Despite his being a killer, you really find yourself feeling sorry for the mug. You also find yourself feeling for young Ida Lupino who loves Bogey, though the love remains unrequited through most of the film. Give it a look–it’s well worth your time.

Excellent 1940s Heist Movie


After being released from prison, notorious thief Roy Earle (Humphrey Bogart) is hired by his old boss to help a group of inexperienced criminals plan and carry out the robbery of a California resort.

Why is Ida Lupino top-billed in this film? I am not sure exactly who she is, and why they considered her a bigger star than Bogart (especially when Bogart has the bulk of the screen time). Not saying she was terrible or anything, but it just confuses me looking back.

This is a nice story of redemption, or lack thereof. Earle balances his jewel heist skills with his compassionate side of helping a young woman get foot surgery. There is also a strange love pentagon going on.

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