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Damnation Alley

Damnation Alley

Regular price $14.00 NZD
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Damnation Alley  In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of survivors travel and find other settlements in huge custom designed all terrain vehicles. In a post-apocalyptic world, a group of survivors travel and find other settlements in huge custom designed all terrain vehicles.  A small group of survivors at a military installation who survived World War 3 attempt to drive across the desolate wasteland to where they hope more survivors are living. Hopefully their specially built vehicles will protect them against the freakish weather mutated plant and animal life and other dangers along the way.

A post-apocalypse road film…

Damnation Alley  The beginning of this film really shakes you up. The careful, measured tones coming from the missile base loudspeaker announcing the progress of “the war” belie the fact that at that moment scores of millions of people are being atomized as the bombs fall.

However, the aftermath seems to be typical post-nuclear mis-adventure, with the survivors from the base starting out on a cross-country road trip. The “Landmaster” vehicles add a jazzy and technie touch to the otherwise predictable trip. Wild weather, crazed hermits, and killer cockroaches require a little suspension of disbelief, but still keep the pace going.

Fans of “The A-Team” will like seeing George Peppard in a lead role, as the by-the-book superior officer who tries to keep the non-conformist junior officer (Vincent) in line. Dominique Sanda adds some nice eye candy as the token female member of the intrepid band of pilgrims, rescued by Peppard and company from the ruins of Las Vegas.

Overall, a pretty good film if you are looking for an evening of distraction and non-reality, if you can get past the opening sequence.

What a fun, post atomic flick this is!
This is a really fun movie if you like post-atomic flicks! Or any Jan Michael Vincent flick, for that matter. The effects are sometimes cheesy, but overall the atmosphere and film-work on this are pretty decent! It’s also fun to see Jan Michael ‘AIRWOLF’ with George Peppard “A TEAM” together. They make a good pair! The ‘bug’ scene is very fun- and includes some great Jan Michael motorcycle wheelies! The tornado scene is also cool. This movie definitely takes you to a different world, and the strange sky color throughout sort of makes everything seem – well- post atomic! It’s a clever movie, not too violent, but it definitely is worth the buy! If you are a Jan Michael fan, this would be a MUST have as he looks fantastic as usual.

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