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Something Of Value

Something Of Value

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Something Of Value, Although Peter and Kimani grew up together, Kimani soon finds that different races are treated differently. After Kimani’s father is jailed for following tribal customs, Kimani joins a band of rebels that wants all non-Kenyans out of their country. While Kimani believes in the cause, he does not agree with the indiscriminate killing of women, children, and those who will not join or agree with them. Even after the Mau Mau murder his little sister and brother, Peter still believes that there is a chance for peaceful co-existence and that he can stop most of the killing if he can reason with Kimani.

Upsetting Film

Something Of Value, It’s the age-old “children are color-blind, adults are racist” theme in Something of Value. Rock Hudson and Sidney Poitier grew up together as children, and now in their young adulthood, they’re still incredibly close. They laugh, play, hunt, and talk together, even though Rock’s family doesn’t really think it’s right. One day, while hunting for sport, Sidney gets a little miffed that he’s not allowed to shoot the gun. Rock tries to explain that it’s just the way things are, but Robert Beatty, the mean brother-in-law, intervenes. He slaps Sidney’s face and orders him to never argue with his superiors again. Rock is heartbroken and Sidney bursts into tears—I actually turned the movie off during that scene, I was so upset.

After having a glass of water, taking a walk outside, and giving myself a talking-to, I decided to turn the movie back on and continue watching it. After all, the actors’ heart-wrenching performances were benefits of the film, right? If I was so shaken up by that horrible scene, that meant the film was well written and crafted, right? So, I dried my tears and pressed play.

The rest of the film follows Sidney as he runs away from home and joins a rebellious group who fight back against their British captors. Rock just wants his friend back, but Sidney is too far gone, and has become angry and full of hate. It’s a pretty violent, upsetting film, showing both the creation and sustention of deep-seeded racism on both sides. If that’s the type of movie you like, go ahead and watch this, but I wish I’d never given it a second chance. I don’t like movies like this; my heart is far too sensitive.

Kiddy Warning: Obviously, you have control over your own children. However, due to racially upsetting scenes and violence, I wouldn’t let my kids watch it.

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