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Corvette K-225

Corvette K-225

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Corvette K-225, In 1943, ‘Mac’ MacClain, Canadian Navy, has lost his ship and many men to a German torpedo. While waiting for a new ship, he befriends Joyce Cartwright, sister of one of his dead officers. We follow the building and launch of new Corvette K-225, the ‘HMCS Donnacona’. And who should be Mac’s new subaltern but Joyce’s other brother Paul, fresh out of the academy. Mac will do his best to make a good officer of Paul…if they both survive their hazardous sea duty.

STARS: Randolph Scott, James Brown, Ella Raines

98 min | Action, Drama, Romance | 1943 | Color


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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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An Exciting War Film About Fighting German Subs in World War II
Corvette K-225, This may be the best of the World War II era submarine warfare movies made during the war. The captain, played by the always wonderful Randolph Scott (see him in “Gung Ho”) has just lost an officer on a booby-trapped German sub – and then he comes across the always beautiful and luminous Ella Raines on shore who is the resentful sister of the dead officer. Scott meanwhile has to handle her somewhat irresponsible younger brother who is a new officer on Scott’s Corvette. This may not be likely in reality, but it makes for a good dramatic situation.

Some romance simmers with Scott and Raines (not too much!) before the Corvette sails. The convoy it protects and its captains from Allies all over the world is handled very well. Scott is masterful as the captain, and the battle scenes with the German U-boats are realistic and vicious. This is a gritty movie that gives a good depiction of the absolutely vital Battle of the Atlantic and the crucial role convoy escorts played in winning the war against Hitler.

Very realistic story of small anti-sub escorts in WWII
I hadn’t seen this movie for many years, and when I watched it again recently I was amazed at the surprising realism for a 1942 era war propaganda movie. Veteran skipper Randolph Scott is forced to put to sea in a new corvette (a very small ship) with almost no other experienced crew members, and virtually no time to train the new crew. The horrid living conditions aboard ship are realistically portrayed: the tiny ship tosses about on the ocean while water cascades over and through every part of the ship. On top of this there are also German U-boats to contend with. Of course all of this was done on sound stages and model sets, but they are amazingly realistic for the period. I am ready to watch it again!

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