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Captain Corelli's Mandolin

Captain Corelli's Mandolin

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Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, In 1941, Italy allies with Germany and ruthlessly conquers the much weaker country of Greece. On a remote Greek island, an Italian artillery garrison is established to maintain order. One Italian officer, Captain Corelli, adopts an attitude of mutual co-existence with the Greeks and engages in such activities as music festivals and courting the daughter of a local doctor. In 1943, however, after Italy surrenders to the Allies and changes sides in the war, Captain Corelli must defend the Greek island against a German invasion.

STARS: Nicolas Cage, Penélope Cruz, John Hurt

131 min | Drama, Music, Romance | 2001 | Color


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All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

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The film is a true depiction of went on in Cephallonia during the war and after.
Being Of Cephallonian descent, I was happily surprised when watching the movie. I have heard the true history from my relatives that still live in Cephalonia, but when watching the movie and reading the book the sketchy bits of history were filled. It is all true, the Italians would sing, the oppression and the earthquakes that rock the island so often. The earthquake in 1953 killed my great grandfather and the book and movie both portray the feeling of the era with great compassion. If you haven't seen the movie go and watch it and read the book, it is not only a love story, and yes, there were plenty of Italians in love with Cephallonian women, in fact, boat loads of Cephallonian women were taken to Italy after the war, it is a true depiction of history.

Amazing Message for All
I am a daughter of the war....and the message of this movie is simple. "Love does not stop when there is war, nor should it. It is true that we should cherish each innocent, pleasurable moment whenever possible for no one knows when such things cannot be enjoyed."
It is not fair to judge how well or how badly an actor can manage a Greek accent. Try it - then if YOU can manage it as well as Christian Bale then good for you. The acting in this movie has passion, regardless of those who did not have an authentic Greek accent.
This movie is a 10 for me. Many of my family were killed, slaughtered and survived prison camps telling horrid stories. This movie has shown me love can conquer ethnic boarders.

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