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Bye Bye Love

Bye Bye Love

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A story about the family breakup of three divorced men. The film presented their perspective and it reveals their relationship with their children, ex-wives, girl friends, male friendships, and their identities as divorced men.

STARS: Matthew Modine, Randy Quaid, Paul Reiser

106 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 1995 | Color


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All DVDs are Region 0 and are guaranteed to play on any DVD player in any country in the world

Satisfaction Guarantee – if you are not satisfied with any aspect of your purchase then we will explore all options to rectify the issue


Postage: Free In Australia.

Postage: Rest Of The World at Table Rate

All DVDs come in a DVD case with color artwork and printed disc

All DVDs are available as an MPEG4 file sent to you via an email link. Save on postage and waiting time. Transfer can take up to 12 hours depending on the time zone you are in.


A Poignant, Touching, Believable Look at Dads After Divorce
This film really explores the roles that children and fathers are placed in after divorce. It is far more than a comedy as it explores some of the situations and feelings that are present in the divorced family that includes kids.
This is a truly likable, wonderfully enjoyable, fun movie with enough comedy to make it laughable, but enough perspective to make a someone examine the roles of a family before and after divorce.
This movie is a true keeper for our family. We watch it about 3 times a year.
Highly recommended in my opinion.

Touching, in a humerous way. . .
SCENE SPOILERS; if you do not wish to find out too much about
this movie, then please DO NOT READ.
This film is often billed as a comedy on television, but in fact this is
not entirely accurate. People often associate comedy with films
such as "Airplane!", or "Hot Shots", but anybody looking for this
kind of humour is going to be a little disappointed. "Bye Bye Love"
simply tries to bring the subject of divorce, with all the benefits and
the costs it can have, in a comical fashion, admittedly, but it does
not let the production be ruled by laughs and gags. In fact, it is
doused with only a sprinkling of laughs, particularly in the middle
of the film itself.
The film itself is also incredibly effective at relaying the message it
brings, and leaves the audience with some doubt as to whether
divorce is the answer to an unhappy relationship - but it also
enforces that it is not the end of the world.
When the jokes do come in, to relieve some of the tension in the
film, they are usually quick and simple, and all the cast deliver with
skill. The real star of the show, however, has got to be Randy
Quaid (Vic), who plays a spectacular performance and brings out
the best comical content in his scenes, particularly those involving
his wife's porch, his date (played by Janeane Garofalo, a good foil
against Quaid) and his reactions to Dr. David Townsend (played
superbly by Rob Reiner).
In all, the film tackles some important issues about married life
and the problems that can happen, without ever taking itself too
seriously, and in the end, it's hard to say how the film might have

improved itself.

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