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Bank Shot

Bank Shot

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Bank Shot  A bank, temporarily housed in a mobile home while a new building is built, looks like an easy target. On the other hand, why not steal the whole bank and rob it in a safer location? The Biggest “Withdrawal” In Banking History!

Fluffy Comedy with great laughs!

Bank Shot  This may be the one that George C Scott cringed about, but WHAT a laugh it was! Certainly not an intellectual feast, but why should every movie be just that? I like my mind to be tickeled, but laughs are always welcome and badly needed to! This is one of those movies that is small and light and fluffy and is simply truly great entertainment, simply because it is so unpretentious. If you want a break from every day life, this is great watching with gags galore, and it is precisely Scott’s very annoyed attitude that makes it work. His “Leave me alone you crazies” attitude makes the other characters carry through a vision of a crazy world, that is despite its outrageous insanity closer to the truth of every day senselessness than we all would admit. I first saw this one as a kid, and I can still laugh about it. It is from the same period as “Harold and Maude” and while by no means carrying any social or philosophical comments like Harold and Maude, it certainly has that irreverent flair of the 70s. Does a movie always have to be serious? Whatever happened to simple laughter and charme and the kind of babedom and sexiness displayed by a young Joanna Cassidy? Every character punched through and was flavorful and strong. I will also take this movie’s camera-work over anything done with the 90s vintage (and still in use) “new look” stupid jiggling camera and zoomiezoom wiggle-jiggle and zoom-in-zoom-out-pretending-to-be-documentary stuff that makes me sea sick and makes me hit the “off” button regardless of what the story line may be! This one is one of my all time favorite comedies , and I don’t care what critics think or Scott thought! It feels right and it lives in a different world. Now isn’t also what movies can be all about?

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